Welcome to London

In the past decade, our club enjoyed two very successful trips to London.

On one occasion we played Tir Conaill Gaels. The other game was an historic occasion as it was the first time a match was played under floodlights at Ruislip.

The floodlights were actually on wheels, and were supplied by a company called Musco Lighting. The lights were on trial at the time. I’m not sure if they were taken on on a full-time basis afterwards. We played the London county team (Colm Foody of Bonniconlon was playing) and we beat them. Tommy O’Malley used his subs bench well that night, as far as I recall.

Our club PRO Billy Horan wrote a full-page article on the trip in the Mayo News, and it’s framed and up on the walls of a number of local pubs (presented by the club).

Anyway, as a club who benefitted from the hospitality of London GAA folk on those occasions, we extend a warm welcome to the London team this weekend as they play Mayo in McHale Park in a truly historic Connacht final.

Ballinrobe men who have worn the London jersey? Harry Murphy played for London on a number of occasions. I think Eoin Sheridan played minor for them in Croke Park in 1981 or so – or was that New York? We’d be interested to hear about any other connections, just leave a comment below or email secretary.ballinrobe.mayo@gaa.ie.

Are there any Ballinrobe natives home to support the London team this weekend?

Manager Paul Coggins played on many occasions for Ballinrobe Community School against Ballinrobe CBS, as Michael Bradley (another man who lived in the UK for many years, and played Gaelic football over there too, not quite sure of the club with which he played)  reminded me when we bumped into each other out swimming Spitz-like around The Point at Cahir Pier last week.

And, by the way, in a totally unrelated matter, I have never, ever, repeat ever, experienced the water at Cahir Pier as warm as I found it yesterday evening. Terence Duddy, who supported London when he lived over there, can vouch for that fact, as can Eamon Marrey. Inch was just about to go in when I left, and I’m sure he will back up the claim.

It was positively indoor heated.

I remember Paul’s brother Eugene playing for Ballyhaunis Community School against Ballinrobe CBS a few years later.

More to the point: it’s time for another club trip. Niall Murphy, brother of Harry, will take us by the hand and lead us around Rennes, France, so that must be a priority for late 2013 or early 2014. You can read about the Rennes trip to Ballinrobe last month HERE