All Ireland ticket winners

The draw for two All Ireland tickets has just taken place here in Costello’s. Lucky winners:
Seanie Lydon, Tourmakeady (stand)
Brian Golden, Rahard, Ballinrobe (terrace)
Beanie hats and club tops to a few others, as follows, please don’t be disappointed:

Beanies – Ella Finnerty, Ballinrobe (daughter of Celine and her lesser-known husband, Mike, who apparently does a bit of broadcasting); Michelle Finlay, Creagh Road; Breda Keane, Carrowkeel; David Flannery, husband of Eimear Grimes, Glebe St; Siobhan Heaps, Roxborough South (daughter of Bernadette McCormack and husband Peter, cousin of our emerging stars James and Matthew McCormack).

Ballinrobe tops: Darina Kneafsey, Cross; Stella Owens (mother of Conor and Shane), Ballinrobe.

Next Friday night we give away two more in Inch’s.
Buy your tickets during the week.
All tickets purchased for tonight’s draw are entered for next Friday night’s draw.
Tickets a fiver, three for a tenner. Support Ballinrobe. Support Mayo. Thanks for your support.