U12 Ladies Take Part in Their First Blitz Ever

By Declan O’ Loughlin, Chairperson, Ballinrobe Ladies:

The Ballinrobe ladies took part in our first U12 blitz last Saturday in Claremorris. It was very late notice and thanks to the Mayo LGFA and our hosts Claremorris for the invitation. Thanks to the U10 girls who attended and enabled us to field a team. We had 12 players line out for the first game against Louisburgh and 13 for second game against Claremorris. Our girls did magnificently against physically much stronger opposition and as always out girls showed great determination and courage and never gave up. Our second half against Claremorris showed just what these girls are made of. It was great experience and players and coaches learn more each game we play. ( Photos Below)

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