Robe Rocket Presentation 2019

Our Robe Rocket Season concluded last Saturday with our annual Robe Rockets Presentation. Guests of honour were Luke Jennings, Eoin Gilrane and Cian O’Connell Mayo Minors and Club stars along with the Connacht Minor Cup and Ted Webb U16 Cup. The lads presented each Robe Rocket with a Certificate of Achievement and Club boot bag. Well done to all our Robe Rockets on another great year.

Many thanks to all who helped on the day and to Andy Walsh for the photos. As our year concludes we thank our Coaches and Robe Rocket Committee for all their hard work throughout 2019. Special mention to Annette Conway, outgoing PRO on all her work and dedication to Rockets for the last 5 years. Enjoy the break and we look forward to seeing you all in 2020