Listen here to Fergal Costello’s speech from our coaching plan launch

I think it is fair to say that anyone who attended our club Coaching Plan launch last night found Fergal Costello’s speech to be quite powerful.

Not alone did Fergal summarise what he feels are pre-requisites for a club to be successful, but he also laid down some further challenges for our club.

The fact that he had dissected our plan in great detail over the past week lent extra weight and credibility to his words.

Anyone who knows Fergal knows he is an analytical and shrewd individual – and a man who led his club and county splendidly – and he certainly honoured the work of our coaching committee by assessing their work seriously.

His full speech is HERE

Actually, strictly speaking it’s not the full speech, the first 30 seconds or so are missing. Sound quality isn’t hectic either in places, so apologies for that.  You don’t need a Dropbox account to open it – just hit download on the top right hand side and it will download to your hard disk, and you can play it from there.

The full plan is available HERE

More on the launch and the plan HERE

Pictures from the launch anon.